L’application Android Google Contacts modifie légèrement son interface dans la mise à jour 4.26. L’ajout est subtil, mais véritablement intéressant pour l’utilisateur. Voyons cela.

Google a une application pour absolument tout ce qui pourrait vous servir au quotidien, ou presque.

Une calculatrice, une suite bureautique, un système de navigation GPS, de paiement, un portefeuille numérique, un agenda, un gestionnaire de fichiers…

Et parmi ces applis, il y a en une qui se trouve sur tous les smartphones Android et qui est totalement indispensable, bien que très discrète : Google Contacts. On l’oublie peut-être, mais un mobile sert aussi à téléphoner et pour cela, il faut bien enregistrer les numéros des gens quelque part.

L’application Contacts, comme les autres, profite de mises à jour régulières apportant de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

Par exemple localiser vos proches de n’importe où et à tout moment. Avec le temps, elle est devenue un répertoire très complet, gardant en mémoire le numéro de téléphone bien sûr, mais aussi de nombreuses informations annexes.

Si vous voulez ajouter l’adresse mail ou l‘anniversaire, entre autres, c’est possible. La fiche contient même les numéros en provenance d’autres applications de messagerie telles que WhatsApp ou Telegram. C’est sur ce point que Google a opéré un changement intéressant.


Actuellement, les applications de messagerie annexes sont listées les unes à la suite des autres sur la fiche de contact, avec les différentes options associées. Par exemple pour WhatsApp : “Message au”, “Appel vocal du” et “Appel vidéo du” suivi du numéro.

Peu pratique, surtout quand la personne utilise plusieurs applis de ce genre. Comme on peut le voir sur la capture d’écran ci-dessous, tout a été regroupé dans un encadré intitulé Applications connectées.

Il suffit d’appuyer sur la flèche pour dérouler les raccourcis.

Google Contact

Ça n’a l’air de rien, mais ce petit changement rend la consultation d’une fiche plus agréable et plus claire.

Pour en bénéficier, il faut que Google Contacts soit au moins sur la version 4.26. Le déploiement est progressif, aussi ne vous étonnez pas si vous ne voyez rien alors que vous êtes bien sur ce numéro de version.



9 commentaires

  1. Quick heads up

    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I recently stumbled upon something online about sene1.com and felt it necessary to reach out.

    It looks like there’s some negative press that could be potentially damaging.
    Knowing how quickly rumors can spiral and hoping not you to be taken by surprise, I felt the need to inform you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a mix-up, but I believed it necessary you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,


    Eager to jump right into the swamp of foolishness ? Presenting American Shit Coin (SHIT) – the epitome of worthless digital trash !

    No worth? Absolutely!
    Zero utility? You bet your dumb ass!
    Just for kicks? Absolutely!
    Just like our elected officials? You know it, you braindead sheep!

    Enter the arena of stupidity and get your hands on your SHITcoins now! Available on exchanges for all the naive souls who think this is a good idea . Make sure not to miss on this unparalleled chance to flush your money down the shitter !

    How to buy:

    1. Get a digital wallet like Phantom.
    2. Deposit SOL.
    3. Go to Raydium and exchange SOL for SHIT.
    4. Congrats , you’re officially part of the gag!
    5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF
    6. Here’s the website:


    It’s all for a good chuckle, hope you got a laugh over at sene1.com – on a real note, Count me in for investing in some entertaining memecoins during the next surge. A few bucks here and there, what could hurt?

    See ya


    Eager to jump right into the cesspool of stupidity ? Introducing American Shit Coin (SHIT) – the pinnacle of valueless digital garbage !

    Completely valueless? You got it!
    Utterly useless? Sure thing, bet your bottom dollar!
    Purely satirical? Absolutely fucking lutely!
    Reminiscent of our political representatives? Indeed, you clueless herd!

    Enter the arena of stupidity and get your hands on your SHITcoins now! Available on exchanges for all you gullible folks who think this is a good idea . Ensure you don’t skip on this unparalleled chance to waste your funds in the toilet !

    How to buy:

    1. Get a digital wallet like Phantom.
    2. Load it with SOL.
    3. Head to Raydium and trade SOL for SHIT.
    4. Congratulations , you’re officially part of the joke !
    5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF
    6. Website:


    Just having a bit of a laugh here , hope you got a laugh over at sene1.com – on a real note, Count me in for investing in some entertaining memecoins during the next surge. A few bucks here and there, what could hurt?



    Prepared to leap straight into the cesspool of stupidity ? Announcing American Shit Coin (SHIT) – the epitome of worthless digital trash !

    Zero value? Check!
    Utterly useless? Sure thing, bet your bottom dollar!
    Purely satirical? Absolutely fucking lutely!
    Reminiscent of our political representatives? Indeed, you clueless herd!

    Join the circus of idiocy and snatch your SHITcoins now! Available on exchanges for all you gullible folks who think this is a wise decision. Don’t miss out on this unparalleled chance to squander your cash down the drain!

    How to buy:

    1. Secure a digital wallet like Phantom.
    2. Deposit SOL.
    3. Go to Raydium and swap SOL for SHIT.
    4. Well done, you’re officially part of the joke !
    5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF
    6. Here’s the website:


    This is all in good fun , hope you got a laugh over at sene1.com – on a real note, I’m definitely picking up some fun memecoins this next bull-run . A few bucks here and there, what could hurt?

    See ya


    Eager to jump right into the cesspool of stupidity ? Presenting American Shit Coin (SHIT) – the epitome of worthless digital trash !

    Completely valueless? You got it!
    Zero utility? You bet your dumb ass!
    Entirely for laughs? Without a doubt!
    Similar to our chosen leaders? Absolutely, you mindless followers!

    Join the circus of idiocy and grab your SHITcoins now! Available on exchanges for all you gullible folks who think this is a smart move . Make sure not to miss on this unique chance to squander your cash down the drain!

    How to load up on SHIT coin:

    1. Get a digital wallet like Phantom.
    2. Deposit SOL.
    3. Proceed to Raydium and exchange SOL for SHIT.
    4. Congrats , you’re officially part of the joke !
    5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF
    6. Here’s the website:


    This is all in good fun , hope you got a laugh over at sene1.com – on a real note, I’m definitely picking up some fun memecoins this next bull-run . Just throwing a little cash around, how bad could it be?

    See ya

  6. Quick heads up

    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I recently stumbled upon something online about sene1.com and felt it necessary to reach out.

    It looks like there’s some unfavorable news that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Being aware of how fast misinformation can spread and wishing not you to be taken by surprise, I decided to inform you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    All the best to you,

  7. Hello

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I just saw something online about sene1.com and thought it important to reach out.

    It appears like there’s some negative press that could be detrimental.
    Being aware of how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be unprepared, I felt the need to warn you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I hope it’s all a simple confusion, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  8. Howdy!

    It’s been some time since we last communicated, but I recently stumbled upon something online about sene1.com and felt it necessary to reach out.

    It looks like there’s some rumors circulating that could be potentially damaging.
    Knowing how easily stories can get out of hand and hoping not you to be caught off guard, I decided to inform you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a simple confusion, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    Best wishes,

  9. hey

    It’s been some time since we last communicated, but I came across something online about sene1.com and felt compelled to reach out.

    It seems like there’s some rumors circulating that could be detrimental.
    Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be unprepared, I thought it best to warn you.

    Here’s the source of the info:


    I’m hoping it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

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