Google Messages continue d’évoluer avec l’introduction d’une nouvelle page de contacts, offrant une expérience utilisateur améliorée et intégrant des fonctionnalités interactives.

Google Messages, l’application de messagerie populaire de Google, ne cesse de se réinventer pour offrir de nouvelles fonctionnalités toujours plus riches et intuitives. Après avoir introduit sept fonctionnalités inédites pour enrichir les conversations RCS et modifié l’apparence de sa barre de texte, Google Messages franchit une nouvelle étape en déployant une page de contacts entièrement repensée.

La nouvelle page de contacts de Google Messages est conçue en suivant et s’inspirant de la philosophie de design Material You. Elle offre maintenant une interface utilisateur plus riche et plus interactive.

La nouvelle page de contacts dans Google Messages inclut ainsi une section pour les images, permettant un accès facile à une vue en grille complète. Un point fort est le carrousel animé Material You, où les images récentes changent de taille et de forme en défilant.

Les utilisateurs peuvent également accéder facilement aux messages favoris et à d’autres contenus importants depuis cette page. De plus, la page offre des raccourcis pour les notifications, un basculement pour n’envoyer que des messages SMS et MMS, et des options pour bloquer et signaler le spam.

Auparavant, cliquer sur la photo et le nom en haut d’une conversation ouvrait une entrée complète dans Google Contacts.

Désormais, cela ouvre une page générée par l’application elle-même, avec :

_une photo de profil centrée

_le nom et le numéro en haut

_suivis de raccourcis pratiques pour :

_passer des appels téléphoniques ou via Google Meet

_ouvrir Google Contacts

_effectuer des recherches

Avec cette mise à jour, Google Messages continue de se positionner comme une application de messagerie de premier plan. Elle intègre des fonctionnalités innovantes et s’améliore constamment. Bien que la nouvelle page de contacts ne soit pas encore largement déployée, elle est déjà disponible pour certains utilisateurs en version bêta.

Cette innovation s’inscrit dans la tendance actuelle des applications de messagerie à offrir des fonctions plus riches et plus personnalisées, répondant ainsi aux besoins croissants des utilisateurs en matière de communication numérique.



2 commentaires

  1. Dear Friends at

    UNICEF welcomed the announcement of a temporary pause in fighting and the return of children to their families. However, we continue to call for a complete and immediate ceasefire and for the killing and maiming of all children to stop.

    Hundreds of thousands of children are affected by the violent conflict in Gaza and Israel. An unrelenting bombardment of Gaza followed the brutal attacks in Israel on  7  October. Violence is taking a terrible toll on the lives of children and families.

    Homes and critical infrastructure lie in ruin. 22 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals, which are also being used as shelters for displaced people, are no longer functional. Many children and families have also sought shelter in schools.

    Supply routes into Gaza are severely impacted, impacting food, water, electricity and medicine access for children and families. More than a million people, nearly half of them children, have been warned to move south, as Israel continues a ground assault into one of the world’s most densely populated areas.

    Despite the dangerous situation, we continue to deliver life-saving supplies such as medicine and clean water, as well as mental health support. We have been able to bring some supplies to Gaza through the reopened Rafah Crossing with Egypt – but this meets only a tiny proportion of the need so far, and the temporary pause in hostilities will be insufficient to meet the dire needs in Gaza.

    With supplies and living conditions rapidly declining, we need your help to reach more children and families.  Please support the Children of Gaza Crisis Appeal.

    You can help us reach more children affected by the crisis. Please donate today and help us protect children in Gaza and the wider State of Palestine.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5

    Warm Regards

    Debbra Burger
    Kaupangsstrati 13, ?Orlakshofn, 815, NA, Iceland, 429 2358

  2. Dear,

    I trust this letter finds you. I am writing to address a matter of serious concern regarding the unauthorized commercial use of my copyrighted images, which were discovered on your website without my explicit consent (page titled ” ACCUEIL – SENE1 La Une du Sénégal ” ).

    Upon investigation, I have identified that my images are being used for commercial purposes on your platform without proper licensing or attribution. This constitutes a clear infringement of my intellectual property rights as the sole copyright holder of these works. I have also noticed that my images are being used on your social media profiles, notably: Facebook

    The unauthorized use of my images has caused significant damage to my professional reputation and financial losses. I have consulted with legal counsel, and I am prepared to pursue all available legal remedies to protect my rights, including initiating a formal legal action and filing a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice.

    However, in an effort to resolve this matter amicably and avoid protracted legal proceedings, I am willing to settle the dispute immediately upon receiving a payment of $500. This settlement amount is a fraction of the damages I have incurred due to the unauthorized use of my work.

    Please note that failure to comply with this demand within 14 days, will leave me with no alternative but to pursue legal action against you. In such an event, I will seek maximum damages under the law, as well as injunctive relief to prevent any further unauthorized use of my images.

    To facilitate a prompt resolution, kindly remit the settlement amount to any of the following wallets:

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5

    Upon receipt of the payment, I will consider the matter resolved, and I will refrain from initiating any legal actions against you. Failure to comply will result in immediate legal proceedings.

    I urge you to treat this matter with the utmost urgency, as further delays may exacerbate the consequences you may face.

    Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

    Please note that I have also sent out a hardcopy of this correspondence to your office.


    Paige Rawls
    Gartenhof 50, Arcegno, 6618, NA, Switzerland, 091 738 36 16

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